Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Flickering Laptop Screen Problem

 Flickering Laptop Screen Problem such there are no hard and fast rules for eliminating the problem of flickering laptop screen but there are certain thumb rules that can be used to eliminate this problem. To start with, firstly, you should check the cables for lose connection in the connectors. Many a times, it has been reported that color changes of the monitor are due to faulty wires. It is advisable to disconnect the cables from the connectors, connect again, back and forth, to check if the problem is due to faulty wire. If the laptop screen shows the same problem when the pins are inserted and taken out, it is usually due to a broken wire or fault within the cable. Hence, cable replacement can do the work in resolving this problem.
Another seemingly less important but very possible reason for flickering problem in laptop computer screens is interference of magnetic fields from other gadgets. Yes, check if near your laptop, you haven't placed speakers, florescent lights, cell phones, radios and any other electrical device. If it is so, you must remove any such interference electrical gadgets away from your laptop. Studies have proved that cell phones do cause screen flickering so it is good to keep work area of your laptop absolutely devoid of such gadgets. Also, sometimes, a fan in the other cubicle can cause flicker in laptop screen in the cubicle you're working! This may seem quite amusing to us, but it is a fact that interference from magnetic fields causes a great deal of flickering.

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